Sunday, February 6, 2011

Testing testing

Here is a peek into my future. A place saver if you will. I used to write a blog full of mostly poetry but I started grad school and it felt silly. So I stopped... That was nearly 7 years ago. Now blogging is all the rage and despite trying to resist bandwagons here I am. Why? I like to write and I often myself in strange/amusing/unusual situations. I also know a thing or two about health and psychology, so I'm hoping to put my sleuthing skills to good use by sharing this knowledge. Finally, since going gluten free in January 2011 I find my life is ever more tied together by food, cooking adventures and the people that make eating that food special.

You won't really hear much from me until I finish graduate school - so if you found this blog congrats because it was my secret and I'm not sharing! But I wanted to mess with the template and so here it goes.