Sunday, August 21, 2011

Dinner for one

Well here we are, summer nearly gone, I've started a new job and I am living 1200 miles away from my better half. I spent this weekend mostly alone aside from the occasional sighting of my always-on-the-go roommate. This was a bit of a strange experience for me - at first very welcomed, but by Sunday night a weekend of dissertation-data-for-company grows a little stale.

On the other hand my self-inflicted isolation did leave time to make something I haven't had in a few months and relished greatly, pizza! My new roommate claims he never really bothers to cook because it's "just for himself" but I say this can be one of the most enjoyable experiences, if only because you get to eat exactly what you like without compromise. For example, I love mushrooms (I know, you're gagging already. I'm thinking of my friend that has a strict "no fungus" policy when it comes to food in her household). People tend to have very strong feelings on the topic of mushrooms and it took me many years to come around to enjoying them. Even now, I still get creeped out by the thought of eating them raw. But fried up on a pizza with green peppers and onions? Heavenly.

For this recipe I used a Bob's red mill pizza mix, some pasta sauce from Aldi's (a basic marinara) and LOTS of mozzarella. I was really impressed with the texture of the dough and only felt it could have been a little less yeasty (the smell was very strong). The pizza was in fact delicious and to my delight just as I was ready to sit down to dinner my boyfriend came online for a quick video chat. Alright I admit - pizza made just the way I like it still tastes better with company...