Friday, July 8, 2011

Bonus Donuts

As long as we're talking food... I'll follow my pie with some donuts (yeah Homie!). A couple weeks ago I was dying for a donut (I really wanted a nice soft Dunkin Donut with strawberry frosting and sprinkles)... as you can see I have a sweet tooth. Alas, I had to (happily) settle for homemade gluten free buttermilk donuts thanks to a suggestion from my cousin.

Now I'd consider myself an experienced cook... not gourmet but handy in the kitchen, and this was entirely new to me. Deep fry? Yikes! Thankfully the experience wasn't too bad, except the hotness! - Main lesson: you don't need to keep the stove at it's highest heat setting. Also, next time I'll halve the recipe. Although, when I went to pick up the container I left at work the other day and every last bite was eaten I guess it worked out my anonymous nibblers.  :)

 Makin' the dough... donuts!
 Fry baby fry!
Final product! Some glazed... some cinnamon sugar.

Tuesday, July 5, 2011


I've had so many things I've wanted to share in the past few months, but with 3 weeks left until the big move and a huge stall on my dissertation progress, alas the blogging has gone to the wayside.

But today I had to put excuses aside. One of my favorite blogs (ok my favorite food blog hands-down) is hosting a pie party. Pie you say?!! I must participate. Plus this Saturday was my going away party - what better way to say goodbye than with a pie? A Key Lime pie with gluten-free ginger bread crust and homemade whipped cream on top! Yes I can't stop exclaiming it was SO yummy!

I made the crust from Mi-del ginger snaps grounded in a blender and a few tablespoons of melted butter pat down with a fork. Then....

I sliced those little baby Key Limes (which I later disappointingly read on the package came from Mexico - oh well they were pungent and delicious!). I squeezed the slices one by one until I had about 1/2 cup lime juice (yeah I need a juicer - but I'm not buying a single new toy until AFTER the big move).
Finally a few egg yolks, some sweetened condensed milk, 1 drop of green food coloring, a good stir and 15 minutes later - viola!

I forgot to take a "cooked" picture, especially with the whipped cream but oh well. It was devoured within about 20 minutes at the party. I'm lucky I even got a bite since it disappeared pretty much as soon as I left the room.

Unfortunately in the midst of my few dozen guests I also forgot to take a picture of my lovely friends that braved the hot Missouri sun to join our little celebration. They should know they will be missed dearly and until the next time... at least we had pie!